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Apple and Samsung to waterproof smartphones with HzO

By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 0 comments

Exposing your phone to the wet stuff – whether it's been dropped down the loo or in a deep puddle – is a frustrating experience we've all had at least once. Fear not. A new technology designed to save your phone from a watery grave is here to help – and it could be packed into the next generation of Apple and Samsung smartphones.

HzO technology – as it is officially known – is applied to a gadget's insides during the manufacturing process, wrapping around the internal electronics and creating a nano-scale film barrier – so your gadget's waterproofed from the inside.

The brains behind the water-repelling tech have told Pocket Lint they're hoping to sign huge deals with all the major manufacturers. In fact, the company is already in the process of signing up a major smartphone partner and a headphones maker in the not too distant future.

Apparently, HzO has already caught the attention of the Samsung Chairman, who was wowed when shown a Galaxy S II coated with the stuff. And the company also mentioned being in talks with Apple. A waterproof iPhone 5, anyone?

This is about as much as we know. But according to the company, "we can expect HzO to be in next season's phones."

Seeing is believing, so here's some footage of an HzO-covered iPod Touch taking a dip in a fish tank.


Category: Mobile Phones


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