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Ready Player One book review - Reader's Feature

By Anonymous on Sunday, January 15, 2012 0 comments

A reader shares his love of Ernist Cline’s novel, where an ‘80s themed massively multiplayer online game is the only relief from a grim dystopian future...

Since reading Ready Player One, by Ernist Cline, in December I have been itching to share it with you at GC. Since I haven't heard its name mentioned before (other than my Inbox letter after finishing the book) I thought I would write a readers feature on it. I know it is a break from the norm, but those of you who, like me, have been a keen gamer most of their lives and have grown up around such 80s classics as Pac-Man, Joust, the Atari and more recently massively multiplayer online games (not an 80s classic I know), this will most definitely be a must read book.

It follows the life of Wade Watts and his journey to find the Easter egg hidden in Oasis, a massively multiplayer online game created by the late James Halliday, from which the first person to discover the egg will inherit his multibillion dollar fortune and gaming empire. Sounds confusing, so let me explain. The year is 2042 and the world has gone to ruin (as in many tales set in the future), where fossil fuels are used up and most of the earth is uninhabitable. So the towns that have found themselves liveable have become overcrowded and poor in economy.

There is one salvation to this world however, and that is Oasis. This is a massively multiplayer online game created by James Halliday, a gaming nut, who started his gaming passion way back in the 1980s, and lived his life through it, creating many console games before in 2016 creating Oasis. The difference between Oasis and say World Of Warcraft, is Warcraft is set in one world. Oasis has thousands, all designed differently and has pretty much every theme imaginable. Gaming heaven, right?

School worlds were created so that children could log in and be educated from home to save going into the dangerous and polluted world, depending on their location. And the best part, Oasis was free to enter for everyone. Five years before the story begins Oasis creator James Halliday dies, leaving no heir and nobody to inherit his multibillion dollar fortune and company.

Then shortly after his death, on Halliday’s personal website, a video is released on a continuous loop. It shows Halliday young and healthy, but somehow knowing that his impending doom would leave him with nobody to take the helm. He sets a challenge, one that touches the world.

In honour of Warren Robinett he has hidden an Easter egg within Oasis (those who do not know what an Easter egg is, it is a code written into a game leaving something in the game that shouldn't be there like the picture of Mario in the first Sonic game, or in Warren Robinett’s case leaving his name in a hidden room in the Atari game Adventure, when Atari did not give credit to games designers for making the game), and the only way to find this Easter egg is to locate and collect three Keys: the copper key, jade key and crystal key.

Once found, the location of the egg will be revealed and the first person to reach it with all three keys wins it all. Each key comes with a riddle to its location, and each riddle has an 80s pop culture theme. Suddenly the 80s became all the rage again, the clothing, the music, the games and the television, all of which James Halliday was obsessed with. If Halliday was obsessed with it, now the world was, as somewhere in his obsession, the riddles make sense.

How did they know what to watch/read/play? Simple, Halliday had kept a diary of sorts, called Anoraks Almanac. Anorak being Halliday’s Avatar name in Oasis. But for five years nobody has found anything and for most the competition ends, being thought of as a farce and that there was never anything to win in the first place. But for a quarter of the world it is their life’s goal to find it for many reasons, whether it be fame, fortune or simply to be written into history as the greatest gamer in the world.

These people are Gunters (Egg Hunters) and they live and breath Oasis, waking up to spend the day either searching the many galaxies and worlds for the keys, or watching/listening/playing anything and everything in the Almanac over and over again until they knew it inside out. But it is
not just Gunters looking for the egg, as with every story there must be an antagonist. In this case, it is a company called IOI (Innovative Online Industries). They own 90 per cent of the world’s telecommunications (needed to run Oasis as it is all online) and are part owners of nearly every company worldwide. If you spend money in the real world, some of it will go to them.

They are looking to take Oasis as their own and ruin the one good thing the world has left. They will give it a monthly fee to enter, making not just playing impossible for most who cannot afford the fee, but education impossible for them too, putting a lot of people out of work, and filling it with corporate advertising. They don't care that the reason Oasis was made was to make gaming accessible to everyone, but only that it is a cash cow ready to be milked.

They employ the world’s best hackers, games designers and gaming enthusiasts (who can be bought with the price of a monthly wage, food and shelter in this ruined world) with one purpose: find the egg and give it to them.

Wade Watts will find his life changes when he, of all people, a level 4 (out of 99) avatar, but with Anoraks Almanac committed to memory, he finds the first copper key and sets the competition on fire again. His fight to find the egg is not just in the Oasis, but in the real world too. He must fight for his life as the world tries to find out what he knows, how he has accomplished a feat unmatched by any gamer to date and how he intends to unlock the mysteries of James Halliday’s Easter egg.

This book is the first book that has left a real impression on me. You hope the world never becomes this polluted mess, but as a gamer you will wish a million wishes that Oasis does become reality. Wade Watts is a great character to follow, and his Oasis friends Aech (As in the letter ‘H’) and Art3mis (both avatar names as real world names remain secret) are great friends and rivals.

The constant name dropping of 80s favourites such as Pac-Man, Joust, Blade Runner, WarGames, Bon Jovi, Supaidaman (Japanese Spiderman), Billy Mitchell (first person to get the perfect game on Pac-Man, and world record holder of Donkey Kong Jr. for 20 years) leave you with a sense of longing for the 'good old days' and will make you dig out your Ataris, Mega Drives, SNES or visit a retro arcade to relive your youth or discovery classics before your time.

If I was to offer constructive criticism I would say in some key moments in the book time can skip a bit too fast, sometimes offering no middle to the beginning and end of a particular journey. This in turn could have made the book double its size admittedly, but would have been nice to read about how he accomplishes certain feats, in a way that you can try to replicate it in real life, or say 'Hey, I have done that'.

Also, as I have said before, the main focus of the hunt for the egg is 80s themed, which is fine for those of us lucky enough to have played/watched and listened to these timeless classics, but for those born in the nineties and noughties it could be a bit difficult to grasp some of the references, so a few from the more recent generations could have been nice, seeing as it was the nineties and naughties that Halliday made his fame from designing games, so his interest would have continued through these generations.

The best aspect for younger readers is to imagine the world of Oasis, and the endless possibilities it holds compared to the massively multiplayer online games they are currently playing, which will seem similar in description to how the game plays, but light years behind in capabilities.

So to conclude, my fellow gamers, I urge you take the time to read this book (bargain alert £5 on Amazon as I write this) as a brief respite from slaying the dragons of Skyrim, besting the temples of Zelda: Skyward Sword, cheating death in Dark Souls and losing to 11 year olds at Call Of Duty and FIFA.
I look forward to reading your comments, and to find out who has already taken the time to read this truly great gaming tale.

By wickenbreux (gamertag)/joshlegend (PSN ID)

By GameCentral - 13th January, 2012

Category: Gaming News


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